
Comprehensive Care & Treatment For Prostate Cancer in Salem.

What is Prostate Cancer?

Prostate cancer occurs in the prostate that produces the seminal fluid that nourishes and transports sperm. It is one of the most common types of cancer in men


  • Trouble in urination
  • Blood in semen
  • Discomfort in the pelvic area
  • Bone pain


  • Age
  • Genetic changes
  • Geography
  • Family history


Stage I

The tumor is non-detectable by an imaging test or a physical examination in this early stage of prostate cancer.

Stage II

The tumor may or may not be detectable through a physical examination or imaging tests and still has not spread outside of the prostate.

Stage III

In this stage, the cancer has now spread beyond the prostate and may spread to the nearby seminal vesicles.

Stage IV

This is the last stage of prostate cancer and describes a tumor that has spread to other parts of the body, including the lymph nodes, lungs, liver, bones, or bladder.


  • CT
  • MRI
  • Ultrasound


  • Surgical removal
  • Chemotherapy
  • Radiation therapy